Avoid Safety Hazards: 4 Steps To Take If Your Well Is Affected By A Natural Disaster

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

If you receive your water from a private well, you need to take precautions after natural disasters and strong seasonal storms. Your well can be affected by storms and disasters. After a natural disaster, here are four steps you'll need to take to avoid hazards and health concerns related to your well.

Watch for Fallen Power Lines

If you've endured a natural disaster that included strong winds, take precautions before going out to inspect your well. There could be fallen power lines in the area. If there are, you run the risk of electrocution, especially if there is water on the ground near the fallen power lines. Using a pair of binoculars, stand a safe distance away from your well and look for signs of damaged power lines. If you see downed lines in your area, contact the power company and stay away from your well until help can arrive.

Switch to Bottled Water

If your well has been affected by a natural disaster, don't use the water. Your underground water supply could have been exposed to contaminants that will make your water unsafe for consumption. Until your well can be inspected, switch to bottled water. If you can see contamination over the well field, avoid using your water for any purpose, including the cleaning of your laundry. Continue to use bottled water until you're given the all-clear to resume use of your well.

Disinfect Your Well Water

Once the threat is over, you'll need to have your well water disinfected. This will require the assistance of your well service provider. They'll need to come out and disinfect the water. While they're doing that, it's a good idea to have them inspect the well to ensure that it's in good working order. If your well has been affected by flooding, you should also have the pump inspected.

Flush the Pipes

You might think that it's safe to use the well after you've had the water sanitized. However, you'll still have contaminated water in the pipes. Once your service provider gives you the go-ahead to use your well, spend some time flushing the pipes. You'll want to flush the pipes until the water runs clear. Don't try to save the contaminated water. Instead, let it flow through to the sewer lines. If you continue to see brown or discolored water flowing from your pipes after several minutes, turn the faucets off and call your service provider. You could have damaged pipes that will need to be repaired.

Contact a well service like Uni Tech Drilling Company Inc. for assistance with your well.


6 January 2019